Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Long Time, No Blog

File Under: Waste of Time

So I was forced to serve on a Jury for the past several days. In doing so I realized how often I check my email at work.. Almost exclusively.

Not that should be an excuse for not updating an entry for who-knows-how-long.

I'm deperately trying to keep my coffee consumption to 1 day, franticly drinking several cups of tea after my morning coffee.

Check out the Motion Sick Website; we have a killer game of "sick-tac-toe" up.


  1. Dude, I already filed this website under the "links" side of the page. Pay attention.

  2. I know you did; but you if one hasn't been there in a while, then you wouldn't know!

  3. By the way, I'm kicking your ass in Sick-Tac-Toe.

  4. I can't be on all the time.
