Monday, April 24, 2006

Back by popular demand

File under : News & Notes

What do you mean hot parmasean sandwich?

Right now I'm debating whether or not to go see the band The Stills. I would have thought about it earlier today, but I had roughly 9 hours of meetings today. Sweet. Hopefully I will decide by the end of this blog entry, or the end of my Sierra Nevada Summerfest, whichever comes first. Here's a pro/con list you can follow along with at home:

Pro - It's only eight blocks from here.
Con - It's at a bar I despise going to solo. For a band that I'm ambivalent enough about to not have a ticket for in advance, it's not a plus. And of course, I have no one who cares to join me. A number of my concert-going friends are at Ryan Adams' concert. I seem to be the only person who has no opinion whatsoever about this guy. So not worth 30 bucks.

Pro - It's only 7 dollars.
Con - I have 9 dollars. This has to last until my next paycheck, which will be here "sometime this week", so that's like half a beer that I can afford, and no coffee tomorrow, which I might need.

Pro - I just bought new shoes that are super-comfortable, and would love to give them a test drive at a show.
Con - I just spilt a glass of water on my socks. I'd have to put on new ones. Plus, barefoot is good. It helps me find broken shards of glass that have fallen between tiles. So maybe I don't want to wear my new shoes right now after all.

Pro - I really would like to see some live music, since I didn't this weekend.
Con - Well, I am going to a show on Wednesday (Dave Grisman Quintet).

You can clearly see the dilemma I have.

This exercise isn't really helping, either. Mostly, I'm debating how to spell "dilemma", and trying to decide if I'm still hungry.

Screw it, I'm not going.

If you haven't yet, check out the blog about Neil Young's new album here. Then listen to it on Friday here. Then go tell a bunch of people about it. And get people talking about something important.

I have a propensity for cutting my hands and not noticing it until I'm bleeding everywhere. This apparantly just happened. I have no idea what I cut my finger on. I'm halfway through the aforementioned beer. That seals it. I am not leaving the house again tonight.

Neosporin may be scientifically sound, but it does very little for me. It also seems to tunnel to the bottom of my medicine bag everytime I need it, so maybe I'm just reopening the wound each time I apply it. Maybe I should keep it on the counter.

Visine, on the other hand, kicks ass. All the time.

I never, ever, ever have extra light bulbs when I need them.

I cannot (ever) find Q-Tips at the grocery store. They could be in 12 different aisles, and they're not in any of them. This takes up half of my shopping trips. They should have their own aisle, with other hard to find things. Then, whenever you couldn't find something at the store, you'd just check the Q-tip aisle. It would be right next to the "things you forgot you needed" aisle. (Do these exist already? Because that would really piss me off.)

Why don't the self-check lines at the store have impulse buy/candy bar racks? Are they worried about theft? Think about how many Butterfingers they would sell if people could just toss them into their bag without having to face the cashier.

To hell with graduate school, I'm getting into Grocery store management.


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