Tuesday, August 19, 2008

There There

Quick pick-6 before...

1) Heading off to Radiohead/Wilco concerts. I've been meaning to start a "new music Tuesday" column, but have been slacking on buying new music/going to shows/etc...I will post reviews of said shows upon return. Haven't seen Radiohead in 5 years or so, so I'm pretty excited. Hoping to catch some new Wilco songs as well, as they appear to be poised to head into the studio shortly. Opening for Wilco are...

2) The Fleet Foxes. Yeah, they're a Sub-pop buzz band, but I'm really enjoying their current record. Produced by Phil Ek (who also did the two Band of Horse albums, among many others) it has a familiar feel to it, which didn't overwhelm me at first. But now I'm digging a lot of the songs, and regret not seeing these guys when they were at the Doug Fir recently, since they'll be playing larger venues next tour. Oh well. This video's pretty sweet as well.

3) Other records I've recently snagged include the latest offerings from My Morning Jacket (enjoyable, and totally different than whatever you expect it to sound like), Sigur Rös (also a slightly new direction for them, but still a solid effort), Wolf Parade (the differences in their main songwriters are more apparent then on Apologies... but I'm not sure if I'm just more familiar with them now, not necessarily a bad thing) and the soundtrack to CSNY : Deja Vu (which has still yet to premier in Portland)

4) On sale today is the new record from The Stills. Their last record has ended up being a favorite of mine, so I'll try to get a timely review of this one. Here's the first single "Being Here" (with cameo by Sam Roberts, who's new record STILL isn't out in the US)

5) Olympic viewing update : Every time I turn on Late-night live coverage, it's beach volleyball. Occasionally men's ping-pong. Both are boring. That is all.

6) Still waiting for my text-message from Barack.

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