Friday, August 29, 2008

You give me something to believe in

Post-convention 6-pack...

1) Unlike the Olympics, the DNC was actually shown LIVE on the west coast, thank you very much. Though if it weren't for C-SPAN, it would have been difficult to actually see any of the non-keynote speakers. Much like the Olympics, the networks seem to have determined the story-lines well in advance, and seemed to show little regard from what was actually happening (See the Clintons). It was actually quite enjoyable to flip over to Fox-News to get their spin on things at the end of the day - it was predictable, but amusing to watch them rip Michelle Obama for not giving any nuanced details about policy.

2) I thought the major speeches were fine. Maybe not awe-inspiring, but decent. Wish I had been able to catch more of the minor speeches. I do agree with Jon Stewart, it's time to drop the kid gloves when going after McCain - if the big-wigs of the Democratic party won't do it, we'll just run it from the blogosphere.

3) Presumably that's why Biden was brought on as #2. Though, just like everyone else, he praised McCain's friendship & 'Nam service as a preface. I have one friend out here who was a significant Biden supporter early in the primaries - I'm less enthusiastic, but I'm not really in the target demographic for this selection anyways. I am now quite excited about the VP debate though...

4) Sarah Palin? Seriously? OK, so you're trying to go after the Hillary supporters and sure up the base at the same time? If any of the Hillary supporters are conned by this, good riddance. A woman who's anti-women's rights, anti-gay rights, anti-polar bear rights? Shouldn't take long to see through that. I wish my friends hadn't given up on this campaign, which is oddly prophetic now.

5) But then, who exactly is undecided? I ask myself this every four years, and there are still seniors in Florida who vote for the party who opposed Social Security, or working-class people in Ohio who vote for the party who's responsible for closing local plants. So what do I know? The presidency will once again be decided by millions of people who get their information from campaign commercials. Ugh.

6) Which once again emphasizes how important it is to elect national and local representatives to help carry out the change that is needed. Donate to Blue America. Please.

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